Home / At the Airport
Check-in starts usually 2 hours (3 hours in the case of transatlantic flights) and ends 40 minutes before departing time.
Please find big monitors informing about flights when you arrive at the airport. The monitors show flight number, flight status, destination and check-in desks.
This information you can also obtain also at the information desk or by call by next phone number - 22 650 42 20.
Check-in desks are located in the public area of the terminal:
101-148 - zone A and B
201-280 - zone C, D, E
Your hold baggage will be checked at the check-in desk. Your documents also will be checked (passports, visas) at the check-in desk. After that passengers receive a boarding pass and a baggage confirmation.
Check-in desks are opened and are closed in according to the procedures of your airline. Please contact your airlines for more information.
Self Check-in
Some airlines offer quick and convenient check-in by using 23 self-service check-in stands. Check-in machines can fast identificate your passport or ID-card, flight number or booking number and print boarding pass. After that you can proceed directly to the security control. This option can be used passengers of the next airlines: LOT, Austrian Airlines, British Airlines, Lufthansa, Finnair, Turkish Airlines, Air France / KLM. By the way - check-in machines are situated in Terminal A.
Note: using check-in machines is possible for passengers with hand baggage only.
There are also check-in kiosks (WEB) for passengers LOT, Aeroflot, Alitalia, British Airlines, Lufthansa and Swiss International Air Lines at the Terminal A, where they can print boarding passes.
Passengers travelling with only hand baggage can go with boarding pass to security control directly. Passengers travelling with hold (checked) baggage have to check-in their bags at regular check-in desks.
Online Check-in
Airlines offer for passengers online check-in 24 hours before departure. There are detailed tips how to check-in online and how to print boarding pass on official airlines websites. Please note - this option can be used only passengers with hand baggage.